YAECA(ヤエカ)|Simple & Elegant lifewear

你可以體驗到,由日常生活衍生出的美好 。

YAECA,於 2002 年創立品牌,始終貫徹著簡約的品牌中心思想,從原物料開始,堅持使用良好質地的布料與副料,對於車縫細節一絲不苟, 保持服裝 簡潔廓形以及乾淨的線條,卻有著縝密的 細節考量,讓每件單品自然散發著優雅氛圍與純粹的美好感受。


Yaeca is one of those brand’s that sometimes, upon seeing the right piece, could be mistaken for a vintage reproduction company. Once you dig a little deeper, it becomes readily apparent that the Japanese line is actually taking classic military references and making incredibly luxurious modern versions of these timeless items.
