
源自主理人William Kroll對工作服與金屬機械時代的尊敬,嚮往早期工業時期的智慧與工藝精神,TENDER保留古老織布方式以及布料原有的色澤、厚實與手感。保持舊時的染色色感,考究舊時代所使用的色彩,以採集天然植物、礦物素材染色的天然染來進行衣物染製的製作。無論是襯衫、工作褲、毛衣、配件等,全程英國製造,並使用來自日本的16盎司防縮牛仔丹寧布料來製作牛仔褲與後染製作,整體工序繁瑣複雜卻擁有最高的堅持。

Tender has its roots in antique workwear and machinery, especially from the Great British Steam Age. On a steam train, the tender was the truck which carried the coal and water to power the locomotive, and was coupled in between the engine and the carriages. They were built incredibly solidly, mostly from riveted cast iron, and had to hold enough fuel to take a train weighing many tons all over Britain.
The other important face of Tender’s English-made clothing is the nurture which is put into the clothes: in their research, design, manufacture, and wear. Just as a gardener tends to a vegetable patch, or a shepherd is the tender to a flock of sheep, so we hope that Tender’s owners will live with their clothes, wearing them hard, but respecting their provenance and the stories they have to tell.
