創立於1954年的義大利家飾品牌 Cosi Tabellini ,主理人 Bruno Cosi 在威尼斯布雷西亞老城區的 Tabellini 家族住宅地下室,與家人工匠們建造起小型了錫製工坊。 Cosi Tabellini 的器物作品質感細膩堅實,他們尊循義大利倫巴第自古流傳的技術,由少數專精的工匠傳承超過350年以上的工藝經驗,以白錫為主要介質,優美的金屬色調揉和了復古仿舊表面,莊重而簡約,以現代形式完美地結合了古典工藝的風情萬貌。 鑄造時使用了長年流傳的原始模具, 內槽有著不完美的磨損缺陷,藉以捕捉了錫器的古董仿舊外觀,錫匠們醉心於全程手工鑄造拋光、講究著熟練的焊接技術,Cosi Tabellini 作品融合了水晶玻璃、明亮線條的白瓷、櫻花木等不同材質,經過繁複的工序創作出值得代代收藏,歷久彌新的自豪作品。 家族企業創立早期他們像是帶著作品旅行一般,提著一只皮箱,在火車上沿著城鎮一路往西方兜售商品,如今歷時超過三個世代,秉持著長年工藝精神,Cosi Tabellini 一直致力於延續原創作品的傳統,品牌於義大利、俄羅斯和美國、英國都設有分店,我們也很榮幸為各位介紹 Cosi Tabellin 長年向世界提案的精緻手工錫器。 Cosi Tabellini is a third generation family-run company, established in 1954, handcrafting pewter, ceramic and crystal glass objects in an artisanal workshop in the Northern Italian city of Brescia, near the beautiful Lake Garda, an area famous for centuries for pewter craftwork and generations of highly skilled pewterers. The current owners, Alberto and Daniela Tabellini, have stayed true to the company's origins in terms of production, still using age-old techniques of handcasting pewter, yet by evolving design and employing intricate processes, they have combined this versatile metal with other locally produced and highly regarded materials, such as Brescian stainless steel, Italian ceramics and Italian crystal glass, as well as European cherrywood, to create contemporary versions of timeless designs, which can bought as comprehensive sets or one-off pieces, suiting both traditional and contemporary homes. Cosi Tabellini products are ideally suited to luxury and boutique hotels, high-end restaurants and interior designers, as well as premium department stores and independent retailers in the home, giftware and lifestyle markets. |